Friday, July 15, 2011

A wet and musical day

Today I got up really early and lazed around. After a lot of that, I then decided to get up and make myself breakfast. I then made breakfast and made a very exciting mess of making breakfast, and so served it to O'l Mom. After that, I went swimming with Noah&Anna. There I did a lot of swimming and diving and exploring underwater caves and large seas full of Mantas and Manatees! I did a lot of swimming with Noah&Anna, and got rather wet. After swimming, I gave Noah&Anna and their O'l Mom some presents! They'll talk about them in the comments (And they should). After that, I went home and had lunch. I then lazed around and then went to a concert. At the concert, I listened to some really good music played by a really good band. I then went home and went to bed. Huzzah for unexpected presents for no reason!  It feels good to give&get them!


  1. You got a lot of gifts that day--

    the gift of some cooler weather
    the gift of time with your friends
    the gift of a great swimming teacher
    the gift of unexpectedly running into people we know
    the gift of a free and wonderful concert!
