Friday, July 8, 2011

Some musings

Today I got up early. After that, I went to newspaper club almost immediately after getting up, which was very rather early, and it is completely unfair! I say boo to that! O'l Mom has a good adatude at some times. She is much very rather really rather too kind.  Noah likes lemonade, and Anna likes lemons! Semi-colens are quite neat and worth writing an entire paragraph with; water is nice and lovely; Cobalt is useful; I think that 2/5÷3/4 is 8/15; someone should write a very long book on why I think that 2/5÷3/4=8/15; Paragraphs have a lot of words and letters in them; I could end very word with question marks; I'll do just that; the? Grammy? Awards? Have? Lots? Of? Music? In? Them; The? Question? Marks? Are? Annoying? So?  I'll? Stop? Now; Nickel is neat; Arsenic is arbitrary; Cobalt is continuous; Boron is boring; Bismuth is big; Hydrogen is headstrong; Zirconium is zealous; Ununpentium is unique; Tin is troublesome; Lutetium is ludicrous; Strontium is strong; Tungsten is typical; and this post is almost better that a dead rat.