Sunday, July 24, 2011

Another day of further milling

Today I got up early and went to journeys. I had fun there and O'l Mom was very prolific in her hard working again, unlike me or other kids of my caliber. After that, we went strait home. I then had lunch and it started thundering and lightening and raining very really very really hard. The towering tempest was a sight to see with the energy than all of the nuclear bombs equivalent to out-stand the mess of a kid's bedroom detonated together at once in a fixed location! I stayed inside, where I was completely and totally safe from such things. I then did some outstanding milling. After that, I designed a pice of fabric that had been ironed by a Metagross laying on it for a long time, and you know how they are. After that, I proved Dylan wrong about something. I also played a new game a lot. And now, instructions on how to make someone contradict themselves! Ask hem what virtue is. If they say "Knowledge" Then say: "So virtue is Knowledge! Can it be taught?" If they say "Yes" Then say "Who teaches it?" If they say "What?" Say "Would you learn virtue from a professional virtue-teacher?" If they say "No! I don't trust 'em!" Say "Then from whom?" If they say "From any Athenian gentlemen!" Say "And these gentlemen would surely teach virtue to their own sons?" If they say "Surely" Say "Was Themistocles a great statesman?" If they say "Yes" Then Say "Have you ever heard anyone say that the son of Themistocles was wise or good?" They will say "Never" Then say "And the magnificent Pericles, didn't he try to make good men out of his sons? And you know how they are..." If they say "GROWL" Then say "So it seems that virtue is a thing that cannot be taught?" And if they say" All right, I give up. What is virtue?" Then say "I don't know!". Socrates used to do it when he was really bored, and it became the real rad fad in Athens.


  1. Just what I he is picking up arguing techniques from Socrates!

    I know my response to this line of reasoning (which he tried out on me yesterday morning when I was driving).....

    But I bet Uncle Donkey has something to say about this first.

  2. Well ... that's not quite how I remember it going ...

  3. I think that the american version is slightly different than the international version.

  4. It is probably the USA Today version.
