Saturday, July 30, 2011

Some really quick millologues

Today I got up late and milled for the rest of the day. I also baked some cookies in a very milling way! Huzzah for Noah&Anna and Dr. Noodle Soup! I'll have to get presents for them!


  1. "Millologue" is a worthy contribution to the English language. I love a good neologism.

    Huzzahs all around! I've been reading so much about Noah and Anna and Dr. Noodle Soup that I wish I could meet them. They must be superlative friends!

  2. Completely! They are very antiordinary, like me, and basicly have some of my distintive identifyabilities: Being very smart, odd, antiordinary, slightly overpower in creating al sorts of things, and very charismatic. They are all really quite Huzzahworth!
