Sunday, July 17, 2011


Today I got up really really really early and very sleepily played my games. I was so tired that I fell asleep during my games and did much better that I usually do. After that, I watched stuff on the computer and stayed up for a long time. Finally, at 8 AM, O'l Mom woke up, and made take a shower, so I took it right off its shelf, cared it about, and used it. After that, I was all clean and it was all used up. After that, we went to Journeys. A lot of kids were their, many more that usual, and so a lot of the teachers were absent, causing a total unbalance. There were 9 kids for very 1 teacher, causing a whole lot of stress and headaches for the teachers, including O'l Mom, who was carting unsorted kids in between classes and running from classroom to classroom and watching the levels of total messiness and a group of kids that resembled Plutonium atoms hit by a stray electron. Needless to say, the kids had a lot of fun. After that total catastrophic drama, I went to a party! At the thing, there were trace amounts of CHOCOLATE and etabilitiey readings were off the charts! I ate tons of pound cake and cinnamon rolls and CHOCOLATE as well as other sweets. After the eating of the sweets, I played many games and acquired much fun. After that, I went home and mostly lazed around and had dinner.