Sunday, July 10, 2011

Some more musings

Today I got up early and milled about. I then went to journeys and bothered Will and ruined Will's donut by talking to his gerbil's secretary. After that, I went home and e-mailed O'l Mom some things. I then did a lot of not much until dinner, when I ate lots of dinner and then did even more nothing. After that, I went up and did my blog. I also found a really good summary of Titanic. It's very summarized.

Isn't it, though?


  1. It may sound awful, but I like this version of the movie Titanic better than the original, which I really, really disliked. I kept thinking, "When is this stupid ship going to sink already and get this movie over with?"

  2. Hooray for Ol' Mom! I, too, was just going to say that this beats the original by a long shot.

    I still remember the rush of relief I felt when Leo went down for the last time (I actually was thinking, "Will you just drown already?"). I assumed this meant that the whole ordeal was nearly over. Little did I know James Cameron had an hour's more worth of lines like "A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets" to inflict upon us all.

    The resultant trauma still has not entirely left me.

  3. Eyup! I'm glad I didn't see the thing! Although, historical films are boring because they're already spoiled...
