After procrastinating for countless days, I shall now explain to whoever reads my blog about my last art piece. It was mostly an experimental piece focusing on color balance done with really cheap markers. I'm planning to do a similar piece sometime soon.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
Today O'l Mom wanted me to post a story of something that happened to me today, which is something that I haven't been doing this year. I was trying to avoid that because last year my posts were abysmal, but this year I have little to discuss without talking about things that have happened to me. Things look like the only to post frequently but to maintain quality would be to describe my days in extraneous amounts of detail. By the way, the story was that today I was playing charades and trying to act out being an electrical engineer, and people concluded that I was acting out being a hobo elevator operator.
Friday, December 6, 2013
As usual, a lack of something to say caused a general lack of posts. Sorry about that. I'll try to post whenever I have things to say, which I currently don't, except for this apology. By describing the problem, I solved it. That doesn't always work, but why not try it? It might actually be helpful sometimes!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Sunday, December 1, 2013
I have decided to restart blogging now that it is no longer November. I will be uploading an art piece that I'n currently working on tomorrow. Other than that, the N1 rocket was a moon-bound design of rockets with over 50 engines in one shell. The design was tried four times. All of them failed and the second launch produced one of largest artificial anti-nuclear explosions known to space.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
Recently, archeologists was uncovered evidence of an ancient civilization 1000 years older and containing 5000 more people than ancient Mesopotamia in Romania. By recently, I mean recently for western archeologists. This was discovered in Romania is the 1960's by Russians. All subsequent publishings of the information were taken as soviet propaganda by everywhere except Russia, and, after the cold war, was unknown due to a lack of Russia-focused archeologists, who were focusing mostly in Africa, China, and whatever parts of the Middle East that they could excavate withought being bombed.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Friday, August 30, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Apparently the latest thing that scientists are worried about is that some unknown eldritch magic is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate since the big bang instead of decelerate by unknown means. I also found out that some scientists who may or may not have heard about the last theory speculate that there is an unknown, unthinkably big thing outside the borders of the universe pulling bits of the universe into it.
Monday, August 26, 2013
I heard that somewhere in space there dwells a cloud of ethylformate, a compound of alcohol that is part of the chemicals that give raspberries their taste. Alcohol, being a carbon compound, is almost as exciting to find in space as microbes due to having a similar formation which would be nice to know how it formed so as to further invent theories as to how life assembles itself.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
I heard that there exists mushrooms that can subsist entirely on polyurethane, a plastic that is incredibly commonly used in everything and takes centuries to decompose. It naturally grows in the Amazon and recently has been employed at various landfills in Ecuador. As you can tell, nothing happened to me today.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Recently I returned from my 4-day vacation to somewhere and on the way I stopped by Monticello. It was somewhat small and only one room was painted the way that it was known to have been painted at the time of it's building, which was the exact shade of yellow as the eggplants in the gardens nearby. Said room had a pulley-operated elevator installed into the paneling behind one of the fireplaces which was used to transport wines. It was pretty interesting.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Saturday, August 3, 2013
I was thinking about how energy can sometimes turn into matter and O'l Mom said that energy is mass X the speed of light squared. This gave me the idea to take a wheelbarrow full of junk and put a flashlight on it with a mirror several yards away. Turn on the flashlight and the light will bounce back at it a tiny bit after you turned on the flashlight. The wheelbarrow is now faster than light! You then just have to square the speed, which is easy as there is 1 speed of light and will be 1 when squared. The junk will then turn into electricity. Try it out for yourself!
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Recently I heard that rotoscoping is the practice of taking stock filmed footage, decompressing it into frames, hand-drawing over each and every single frame, and stringing the drawings up again into a video segment. This allows for realistic and fluid movement with unrealistic art styles. It takes, on average, 5 hours to make a 40-second video, weeks to make a 5-minuet video, and 2 years to make a 3-hour video. Due to this, it is often used for important cuts and scenes in animated movies and never for unnecessary parts of which an idea can be conveyed withought needing fluid movement.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Today I was messing around with computer animation and I found out that some animation is made with triangles and squares moving around in relation from the center of the screen as determined by a lot of numbers measuring the hight and width of the corners in relation to the anchorage point. I don't understand animation very much.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Today, the only thing that I have to say is that I figured how to cook a turkey without an oven or microwave. Turkey cooks at 250 degrease for 16 hours. Divide the turkey into 4s. Each piece cooks at 63 degrease, which is below room temperature, for 4 hours. Put them together and a turkey has been baked incredibly fast with no over! Try it for yourselves!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Today I found out that it's incredibly difficult to draw a picture by someone else describing it to you. I found it difficult to draw, but when I was describing it to someone else to draw it was difficult due to my galactic incapability of being helpful in any way involving descriptions and I ramble on and on about the stuff and the things near the other things that have the stuff over the tops of the sides of the stuff but the stuff which is not the other stuff. As you can tell, the artist wasn't amused and it ended up looking like people standing in a field full of pillars, tree trunks, poles, and other long tall stalks not attached or connected to anything, going strait up. Anyway, interpretation and description are incredibly obviously centric.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Continued cliffhanger
So tonight, as I said, I'll talk about the drawing part of my piece. As you can see, it's a spaceship with lots of 1940's-looking technology and tones of gaping holes in the glass, which means that the heavy spacesuit that the astronaut wears is pressurized and contains an oxygen reserve. I based it off of a diving suit, which actually serves a quite similar purpose. It is in orbit of Mars, which I realized would be the perfect place for it due to the colorization. I didn't realize that until after I finished drawing it, which is why the array of planets seen out the broken glass windows looks nothing like the solar system in which Mars takes place. That's pretty much all, so hope that you liked it, and if so please comment, and I might post something soon!
Friday, July 5, 2013
Despite that no-one commented, today I'll give some explanation for the art that I posted in case you somehow didn't understand it, which I think would be highly unlikely as I think that my art is pretty clear and not at all in any way heavily metaphorical jumbles of white paint thrown on a canvas and hung up in a museum for art patrons of more conservative tastes to be disgusted at for absolutely lacking effort until they realize that it was about things such as how easily a strong reaction can be invoked from people by cleverly proportioned application of effort. So, to start off, you might notice that this is on an oddly colored material. If you would care to know, I made the background by taking a large square piece of wood and painting it reddish orangish pinkish yellowish and putting some paper of the same color on it. I then cut up a ton of blue paper and applied it to the wood by globbing huge slabs of transparent glue on it, placing the shards of paper, and then sinking it in more glue until it dried, at which point I but blue tape around the edges for a nice finish. That's how I made the background. I'll talk about the foreground... ...Tomorrow.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Friday, June 28, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
The art that I posted yesterday that I'll now explain today is a swamp. It's full of mosquitos and bizarre plants and even bizarrer animals like crocodiles, swimming rabbits that attack presidential candidates, and voodoo mamas who are not appearing in this art piece. You can see, if you look closely, zillions of plants such as a pinecone-looking flower, a pitch-black unshiny fruit, mangrove roots, vaguely mushroom-shaped trees, lillypads, gigantic flowers, spike-toothed flytraps and ferns roughly the size of half of a beluga whale. It also contains a waterload of bizarre creatures such as some unsubmeged coral fossils, an irritated bystander standing by irritated, a big spiky thing, multiple crocodile-like things- one with long eye tendrils and another with serrated teeth and spidery clusters of round glowing eyes, a little mouse-thing, and a roundish bulge covered with glowing spidery eyes. A surprising amount of fungi, such as the mushroom with eyes and the ring fungi developing on some of the flowers, is also present. That's pretty much all.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Most people think that the ubiquitous flint and steel is only possible with steel, which it is, and only possible with flint, which it isn't. Contrary to popular belief, quartz also works because it is the same list of ingredients as flint, which is silicon dioxide, but crystalized in a different manner. Churt and steel is actually more common due to the abundantly of churt, another mineral made from the same ingredients crystalized in a way between flint and quartz. The reason that flint and steel is so ubiquitous is that quartz doesn't work as well as churt, which doesn't work as well as flint for sparkmaking, and the ubiquitous flint and steel is the highest success rate-type pyroplasmic instrument in a range of 3 others. Nothing else to say.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Today, I will explain somewhat the art that I posted yesterday. Basically, it's mostly about the cityscape of a somewhat stereotypical depiction of Paris withought as much philosophy and inexplicably horizontally striped shirts, featuring bazillions of cafes, streetside shops, and the bottom bit of a gigantic Tesla coil in the center of the city used to instantly caramelize brussel sprouts and onions, constructed as world-famous landmark and monument to West Europe's amazing feats of gastronomical wonder. Oddly enough, the architecture, having very tight, large clusters of haphazard roofs is more fitting of the late-1700's New England. The style is heavily influenced by illustrations depicting a surreal city with checqureboard-patterned streets and stylistically shaped stars on an irregularly bright night sky. Close inspection will reveal a somewhat horned gentleman riding a unicycle while balancing a pie on one of his horns while an unemployed layabout sporting stylish glasses and 4 small hats runs away from said gentleman. I also messed up the street pattern somewhat near the unicycle, so I shall now claim it to be a reality-warping unicycle that messes up some tiles near it. That's all.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
So, as I said, today I'll slightly explain the picture that I did in case you can't interpret it for some reason. Basically it's a picture of an adventurer overlooking a dense, deep South American/African jungle packed with Mayincatec ruins that are just there because know one sees why not. Some people have confused the gaping line between the two mountains and above the forest of plants and animals to be a waterfall, but it's actually a deep chasm with a single, poorly maintained wood-plank bridge. There are quite a few mayan-type pyramids around the cliffsides doubtlessly full of undiscovered riches and death traps that still work despite thousands of years of no maintenance. I also put in some mostly Mayincatec but slightly Polynesian looking stone carvings, and a few smashed aqueducts, which the Aztecs actually had invented and used but doubtlessly didn't refer to them as aqueducts. I also added in the obligatory long-lost cousins of Audrey 2. Also, if you knew about that the Mayincatecs actually had wheels but never used them at all except for toys, you would be able to tell that the thing that the adventurer is sitting on/near isn't of Mayincatec origins.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
Today, I once again have nothing to say, so I guess that I'll just say what was on my mind: Is there a term for a generalization of Mayan/Aztec/Incan ruins that some factually apathetic hollywood set developer would use? I'd like to knowso as to properly describe the piece of art that I'm working on currently.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Procrastionated apology
Sorry about my postage. I haven't had anything to talk about recently, as I've spent the first week of summer exactly as I wanted, which was getting better at art some and loafing around primarily. Sorry again for not posting! The only thing that I guess that I have to say is that I'm getting better at drawing tree roots and cliffsides. More about that later!
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Thursday, May 23, 2013
A thought
Recently, I've been thinking that my life is overly boring due to my education being all of the same kinds of stuff all the time and my recreation is doing stuff that I like over and over again. Today I was talking to a friend of mine and complaining about space in cars when they pointed out that 98% of people who live in a first-world country would never have to say that their dad "Has a tendency to drive around with the back seat of his car jammed with big plastic boxes full of skulls and bones and red cloth." Somehow, I still think that my life is boring. Not as boring as 96% of the people who live in my country, but it still sometimes bores me. My standards are absurd.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Sorry that I haven't been posting much recently or will much for the next 2 weeks. I've been absurdly overworked for the past 2 weeks and will be for the next two, so I won't be posting until a lot later. Sorry still. Don't bother checking this blog until about once summer happens. So, that's it for now. Bye!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Abysmal post
In response to Sue Van Hutton's question, I could only find that the light level of a cave of ultimate undergroundness would be 0 lux. That's all I have to say.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Useless facts!
Hmmm... I don't have anything to say... I guess that I'll go and find some stuff... A lux is a measurement of light... The lowest possible level of luxes isn't 0, as you might think, but it's-10 X -10 X -10 X -10 X -10 (AKA 10 to the -5 power) for absolutely no light. 200 lux is the average house light (at night when not light by the sun), 25 lux is a full moon and stars on a clear night, 1,000 lux is average daylight, 32,000 is extremely direct sunlight, and 800,000 is the inside of a supernova.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Absent sketches
Yesterday I did some urban drawing... That's all that I can think of to say... Urban drawing is formalistic art, which is the art of recording gritty, realistic cogs and gears of the world that most people ignore and/or down't like to look at. I will probably scan and upload my drawings soon... So you could look forward to that, I guess. I wonder if anyone reads this blog other than O'l Mom...
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Phillip Guston's art
Due to a suggestion from O'l Mom, here's a link to some of Philip Guston's art, which is that art that inspired my unempathetic piece:
Monday, April 22, 2013
Friday, April 19, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
After 2 weeks, no-one really got the spelling thing right, so I'm ending the contest. The closest guess to winning was when Cool Papa said that he could make out a potato somewhere in the word, which was completely correct. The word was potato chips, spelled ghoughpteighbteau tchoghs. A congratulation for Cool Papa! The spelling is GH as in hiccough, the OUGH as in though, the PT as in ptomaine, the EIGH as in eight, the BT as in debt, and the EAU as in bureau. The chips are TCH as in match, O as in women, and GH as in hiccough. Maybe I'll post some more blogging tomorrow...
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Gene splicing is more easy than some people would think. It can be done on any bacteria, cells, and DNA though it's easiest to mess with bacteria. To make a strand of bacteria do such a complex thing as bioluminescently glow in ultraviolet light is take the bacteria and some DNA of a jellyfish, break down the cell walls and nucleus membrane with various alcoholic chemicals, apply the jellyfish DNA and a binding agent which forces the gene of bioluminescence to become dominant, and wait for weeks and you will have spliced genes! Here's some pictures of what pure bacteria look like:
And here's a picture of what unrecognizably altered bacteria look like:
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Utter failure
Another day has gone by and no-one has done anything about the contest. Very disappointing. The word is still Ghoughpteighbteau tchoghs. Remember that. I might post about something interesting later if someone guesses right... Or guesses at all, really. This has been that much of a disappointment.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Monday, April 8, 2013
Annoying game
Instead of posting a post that's really boring, I'll run another annoying guessing game. Here it is: Without looking it up, can any of you guess what Ghoughpteighbteau tchoghs spells? It does spell a real thing.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
I don't have anything interesting to say... I guess that I'll think of something... Yesterday I walked to a museum of contemporary art, and there a special exhibit was a spraying of water and strong lights which only came on at night so the spectrum slicing that occurs when sunlight gleams through a thin mist of water could be seen at night. Is that any interesting? I had absolutely nothing that was mildly captivating to report... I wonder what would happen if I didn't do my blog posts at 11:59 all the time...
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Ancient punctuation
I still have nothing to say today! Now I'll have to think of something useless... Some monks in the 12th century used punctuation symbols that nowadays are entirely unheard of, such as the following: the positura, a small mark that looks slightly like 7, which notified the end of a chapter or page; a mark of an unknown name that looked like a gallows (oddly enough, just one of them), which alerted to the beginning of a paragraph before the indent was invented; and the suspensiva, a mark that looks very similar to /, which indicated a very slight pause when reading aloud. Monks tend to do odd things... So did anyone in the 12th century, really, so I probably am very misdirected in blaming them.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Ever realized how much placing of commas can change the meaning of an entire sentence? You probably have, so you might as well not bother reading this post. I still find it very neat that the difference between 'Ein accused Magg lost the DNA evidence' and 'Ein, accused Magg, lost the DNA evidence'. Is , and ,. Also, you should never talk about commas by writing them as ,s.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Monday, April 1, 2013
.ednocse es roiretni us ne dadilac atlA .sojabart serojem sim ed raturfsid y rasnacsed a ri litúni ejasnem etse yod el euq Ãsa ,serojem sol nos sélgnI ed lE .aÃroyam al arap rojem ratse a nav sollE ?.ednocse es roiretni us ne dadilac atlA .sojabart serojem sim ed raturfsid y rasnacsed a ri litúni ejasnem etse yod el euq Ãsa ,serojem sol nos sélgnI ed lE .aÃroyam al arap rojem ratse a nav sollE ?seroiretna stsop sim reel on éuq roP¿ ... riced euq ognet euq ol odot se osE !setneconI sol ed aÃd zileF stsop sim reel on éuq roP¿ ... riced euq ognet euq ol odot se osE !setneconI sol ed aÃd zileF
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Happy easter! I have nothing to say at all for easter tonight... ...So I'll make up something... ...Hmm... Warm colors tend to look more closer to the eye and cold colors tend farther away due to the fact that things farther away in landscapes look blue-ish because of the way that light and eyes work. Making the foreground objects in art a dark blueish and making the background a bright red will cause the colors to really catch eyes with their blaring, shrieking clashness. More tomorrow! Sorry I didn't blog for weeks! Bye!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
English never ceases to amuse for some reason
Hmm... Uhh... Umm... Wicked is pronounced differently than almost all the adjectives in english that end with ed. Only 3 other words with eds of the ends are pronounced like that. Posting more tomorrow!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Too bad I didn't do anything today. By the way, my art reception was pretty good. Too many people showed up to look at all the art and I got another chance to pig out on scones. Lots of my friends showed up also. That was pretty much all there was to it... ...Sigh...
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Really inconvienant invitation
If you want to, you can come to an art reception featuring some of my works. It will be at the Halle Cultural Arts Center on Salem St. from 6PM to 8PM. Food and drinks will be provided. You can see the art that I did and see some of my friends's art. I wouldn't really expect anyone to come as all of my blog reader live in New Mexico, but I'm sure that you could get there if you walked slightly faster than normal. It's tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
(For O'l Mom's porpoises, this post will be unavailable until next week)
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
Here's a drawing that I did of a familiar consumer around my house:<br />
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="390" src="" width="640" /></a></div>
<br /></div>
Monday, March 18, 2013
Tonight I have nothing to say at all. Isn't that great? Hmm... People's brains naturally will instantly record bad things that happen to them for defense and disregard good things that happen to them for memory. This means that if you dislike something due to a bad experience, it's statistically likely that 75% of the time you encounter the thing, it turned out just fine for you. Isn't that neat?
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Happy absolutely knot Pi Day!
In 1644, mince pies were banned in Christian countries. This law was half as successful as Prohibition.
Boston Cream Pie is secretly a cake.
Despite why Porkpie hats are called Porkpie hats, which is obvious, I've never seen a porkpie what looked like a porkpie hat.
Most mass-produced commercial super unhealthy pumpkin pies are actually Dickinson's squash pies. A Dickinson's squash is a kind of a squash with an orange flesh that looks like pumpkin. It's not really an unhealthy squash, just the mass-produced kind is unhealthy. Pretty much any commercial food from a worldwide, really cheap food industry is unhealthy despite the kind of food, most of which is not even really that food but just another lie.
Raisin pies are sometimes called funeral pies for reasons similar to the origins to the term OK.
Here's something really shocking: 3.14 backwards is P1.E.
Boston Cream Pie is secretly a cake.
Despite why Porkpie hats are called Porkpie hats, which is obvious, I've never seen a porkpie what looked like a porkpie hat.
Most mass-produced commercial super unhealthy pumpkin pies are actually Dickinson's squash pies. A Dickinson's squash is a kind of a squash with an orange flesh that looks like pumpkin. It's not really an unhealthy squash, just the mass-produced kind is unhealthy. Pretty much any commercial food from a worldwide, really cheap food industry is unhealthy despite the kind of food, most of which is not even really that food but just another lie.
Raisin pies are sometimes called funeral pies for reasons similar to the origins to the term OK.
Here's something really shocking: 3.14 backwards is P1.E.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Happy pye day!
Happy pie day! Now I'll think of something to say... Umm... People stereotypisize apple pie as being quintessentially 18th century American, but surprisingly they were first recorded in Britain in 1684. Lemon Meringue is much more American, and pies with an open crust and/or a meringue on top often tend to be American inventions. I'll say more tomorrow... Or maybe the day after that... Or maybe later.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Monday, March 11, 2013
... Hmm... ...What to say tonight... umm... I really hate it when I'm sharpening a colored pencil and the tip breaks off, so then I sharpen it again without sharpening it quite as much but then it's too dull, so I sharpen it again and then I get it to the point where it's just perfectly sharp and just the right color and everything sets up in a perfect way and I start to shade the edge of the tomato that I was coloring when the tip breaks off and some of the fake lead comes out, and then I sharpen it again and it's too dull and then I sharpen it again and then tHE TIP BREAKS OFF AGAIN WHEN YOUR SHARPENING IT AND THEN THE PENCIL BREAKS WHEN Y
Sunday, March 10, 2013
I still have nothing to say today! Again! ... Umm... ...Never put a color right next to its opposite on the color wheel. Put it right next to the color a tiny bit off from the opposite, and the contrast will really lash vibrantly at your eyes. I know these kinds of things.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
I hear the major snowstorms are terrorizing the areas where most of my reader live (DC, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, etc.) and temperatures are below 0 with 8 feet high floods of snow whilst where I live, it's already 69 Fairenhigeht, dandelions are blooming, and the frogs are already through with hibernation to stay up all night croaking keeping everyone else up all night. Anyone jealous? You can keep feeling jealous if you are. Don't hold it against me, I know how weather-related jealousy feels. I bet no-one who lives in the area of the big storm ever thinks about building snow castles or having snowball fights or sledding and playing out in the 8-foot, moist, not too powdery and not too icy snow all day and get soaked and come in for a nice hot cup of tea. Nope. They all probably just sit and think of how nice it must be to live where Spring comes in mid-February and Fall ends in mid-December and the lowest possible temperature is 49 Fairenheight and it snows once a year about a 1/256th of an inch which is 90% ice snow and melts two hours after it snows. Grumble.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
I don't have anything tonight to say either. Who expected that? Umm... ...I still don't have anything to say... ...Almost never is an interesting concept! The Wizard of Earthsea was a pretty innovative trendsetter! Never dig strait down! ALL THE THINGS!
Monday, March 4, 2013
I still have nothing to say tonight... Again... So here's some more photography that I photographed.
This one is about texture and color.
This one is about the visual effect of a black line across a low-color, blank background. Dark grey/gray in this case.
This one is kind of about lines, kind of about color, kind of about texture, and kind of about shadows and light.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
More Photragraphy
As always, I don't have anything to say tonight... So... Here's some more photographs that I took. They're are pretty formalistic:
The lines and perspective of horizon and stripes are pretty neat here.
Here's is some more perspective of lines. You can also see a really raggedy old red coat and huge muddy boots.
This one isn't about line or horizons. It's about color and texture and light and shadow.
Friday, March 1, 2013
O'l Mom thinks that I should do a blog tonight despite not having done anything worthy of blogging about... I guess I could share some knowledge that I heard at a science today and will probably forget tomorrow: In order to color certain bacteria, a slide with said bacteria must be first procured, then dipped first in Crystal Annomyde, where it will trickle through the cell wall and into the nuclei, then dipped in Iodine to procure a color which is utterly and undeniably fabulous, than dipped in alcohol, which, unexpectedly, shrinks the inner wall on gram + bacteria and dissolves the second outer membrane on a gram - bacteria, making them easily distinguishable. You might not expect this to come in handy if you're building a huge sub-atomic quarkial contraption to pioneer the event of moving an object across time and space, but it will probably be relevant at some point, especially if it only transports living things or if it is powered, inspired, or contracted out to space and time-transcending magic microbes. That's all tonight!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Bad photography
Since I don't have anything good to say or any good art, I'll upload some of the least terrible photos that I took at a photography class a few days ago. I'm very bad at photography, and these are the best photos that I took, which aren't very good. Here they are:
Meanwhile in New Jersy...
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
I have nothing to say today except this:
Dalkos was critical of the plans
Dalkos was critical to the plans
Mean entirely different things, but, when analyzed, they have a one-word difference and the two words could be interchangeable if used in different sentences.
Dalkos was critical of the plans
Dalkos was critical to the plans
Mean entirely different things, but, when analyzed, they have a one-word difference and the two words could be interchangeable if used in different sentences.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Forced post
I don't have anything to say today ether... ...uuhh... Four is the only unit of measurement in the english language to have the same number of letters as its absolute value!
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Shocking truth
People commented a bunch on the last post. They came up with great ideas, but none of them were the ones that I was thinking. What i was thinking is that they are all violent acts. They also all end with
-ash, as I said before. What does the -ash sound remind you of? Also... The words junk, sunk, plunk, stunk, clunk, dunk, drunk, gunk, punk, and flunk all end in -unk and also describe something unpleasant. Furthermore, little, kid, slim, thin, skinny, imp, shrimp, midget, and pygmy all address smallness and also all have a short i. Do you see what I'm saying?
-ash, as I said before. What does the -ash sound remind you of? Also... The words junk, sunk, plunk, stunk, clunk, dunk, drunk, gunk, punk, and flunk all end in -unk and also describe something unpleasant. Furthermore, little, kid, slim, thin, skinny, imp, shrimp, midget, and pygmy all address smallness and also all have a short i. Do you see what I'm saying?
Friday, February 15, 2013
Another forced content
Here's something intresting: What do the words smash, clash, crash, bash, gnash, slash, trash, mash, thrash, and slash? You might assume just that they all rhyme, which they do, but there is something more about this set. Try to guess! I'll tell you if no-one guesses it right.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
The sight of sound

Monday, February 11, 2013
I don't have anything to say today ether. Except these:
The diesel tower towed across the sea an island with a house and a tower.
The weather might buffet the outdoor buffet.
Tear-inducing events might tear at emotional stability.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Even more nothing!
Sorry... My last post made no sense. Anyway, I don't have anything to talk about today, ether. Other than I realized the critical has the same quirk as with. You can see it here "Juhald was critical of the project", and "Juhald was critical to the project". See? Also, "The candle put out enough light to be unable to go to bed." and alternatively "I put out the candle so as to go to bed."
Friday, February 8, 2013
Non-inverted sentances
Today, I realized that people almost always say articles and objectives before referring to nouns. ALMOST. You would think that you always say things that way, don't you? You would probably say "My hat is at here!" when referring ti where your hat is, assuming you have such bad grammar to say at like that. You might not realize it, but it would sound pretty dumb and hilarious if you asked "Where my hat is at?". That's all for now, bye!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Back to linguistics
As usual, I still have absolutely nothing to talk about today... Maybe I'll talk about the best and worst language again. The word with can mean its own opposite when used in certain sentences, such as 'Britain fought with France a lot.' and 'Britain fought with France in WWI.' The word bolt also can do this, as in 'The wheel was bolted to the car' and 'The wheel bolted from the car'. Another example is left, as seen in '10 out of 15 people left the room', '5 people were left in the room', and 'The 10 what left were left of the room'. That's all for now! Bye!
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Monday, February 4, 2013
Never mind
I recently decided that the contest was taking too long, so I'll lower that number of guesses to be revealed to just one. In absolutely unrelated news, the so-called Dad correctly absolutely completely 362% guessed my favorite song! It's probably my favorite because I used to listen to it all the time since I was too young to hear. Here's the low-quality picture of the art that I did that I promised:
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Vairous styles
I see that no-one guessed the clues from last post. They are lines from the song if worded differently! Also, the band probably had some art styles from Southwestern cultures. Also, can you think of any words which have a silent L? I can. They're mostly celtical...
Friday, February 1, 2013
More clews
How are you getting on with the cryptic hints? Here's some more hints: Reflective ceilings. Grapes above ice. Let me know how you're getting on.
... Hmm, hmm... ...Bloken glass, bloken glass, blokenglassbloken glaaaass!♭♫♮♪☕
... Hmm, hmm... ...Bloken glass, bloken glass, blokenglassbloken glaaaass!♭♫♮♪☕
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Anothyer hint
By the way, a clue to one of my favorite songs is that the band what did it was popular in the 70's and apparently melted into a disunited jargle in the 80's. Also, the word clue was originally also spelled as clew before clue was popularized. Both spellings came from an ancient word for a ball of yarn or string or twine or other stuff of that kind. This was from the greek legend of Theseus traversing a big maze and unraveling a ball of yarn so as to find his way back out after his successful duel with some old Minotaur. By the middle ages, the word clew and also its alternative word clue meant 'an object or event which leads to the unraveling of a mystery'. By nowadays, it has nothing to do with yarn and it's spellt clue.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Another interactive commania!
I'm posting yet another comment-based interaction! You have to guess one of my favorite songs. I've done an art piece of it! After there have been a substantial amount of guesses (more than 1) I'll post it. By the way... Um...
Debate is not the past tence of debeat, but the present tence of debeate is the same. Did that make any sence?
Monday, January 28, 2013
Sunday, January 27, 2013
I don't have anything to say today ether. So I'll answers last thyme's riddle:
You make it smaller.
Sack = Bag, Bag + ette = Baguette, Baguette = Bread, Bread = Baked treat.
You make it smaller.
Sack = Bag, Bag + ette = Baguette, Baguette = Bread, Bread = Baked treat.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Puzzle and placeholder
Sorry, but I don't have anything to talk about today... How about a puzzle of the perfictly puzzeling logic of english:
How do you turn a sack into a baked treat?
How do you turn a sack into a baked treat?
Friday, January 25, 2013
I remembered/just made up the reasoning to my salf-portrait coloration. It's mostly open for interpretation, but my explanation is that it reflects my emotional capabilities. The yellowish is happiness, the reddish is anger, and yellow and red are also stoically. Note that there is no green. Interpret it! Anyway, that's my emotional range of moods. About 3.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Sorry for being unable to do another post for 5 days. My computer once again wouldn't co-operate. Anyway, I'll talk about my art now... Hmm... I forgot what it was. I guess thats all for now! Maybe I'll remember later.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Guess whose birthday it is on the day of this post! And also guess how old the person of who's birthday it is is! (>12, <14). Anywhay, today I'm going to talk about about my excellent art. Floating islands are things that I've liked since I was ≥10 or so. I had quite a lot of trouble getting the colors right and I'm still not satisfied with them. I'm so bad at shading that I barely did any mention of them, and only used it when drawing roundish substances. The quaint and European one came out too blue, and the waterfall looks like it's the political boundaries of The Algae's republic of Algainya, some country in constant battle with Algatamyain revolutionaries. Ugh. Anyways, the vaguely Mexican pot o' world came out pretty well. In the very far distance, you can see a floating blue teacup with a pyramid in it. Conspiracy theorists take note! The teacup is bigger than both the islands in the foreground combined in terms of weight, mass, and volume. That's how big it is. Behind that is another teacup, also blue. It's the same size as the first teacup. Can you understand how big that tree is? I hope that you do. Do you think that my art is good? Does it have any meaning? Please comment. That's all for now, bye!
Monday, January 14, 2013
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Quaint European windmill with only 3 blades overlooking a valley
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Thursday, January 10, 2013
Not such a good post
As usual, I have nothing to do at all. Why don't you comment more? You should! Anyway... ...I can't think of anything good to put today. How problematic. Talking about how I have nothing good to talk about is also a terrible thing top talk about. This an awful blog post. The least I can do is give you a really neat film about choclate and scary music. Here it is:
This wasn't such a good blog. Oh well. Comment more!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
As usual, I don't have much to say tonight. I thought up a scientific theory today. Antimatter, the opposite of matter, can be arrainged into elements just like matter. Here are some of the elements of antimatter:
Monday, January 7, 2013
Even more art
Here's another picture. It has a lot of wood patterns in it, and that's all the art that I have for the now... I'll do some more eventually. Do you think that my art is any good? By the way, when O'l Mom saw it, she seemed to think that the unknown eyes were an another self-portrait. They are not in any way. More later!
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Friday, January 4, 2013
Sorry, but procrastination, computer issues, and constant time-consuming assignments have caused me to be unable to upload the art. When I do, though, I'll upload plenty of its. Anyway, I don't have much else to talk about. I might upload it next thyme. I usually don't have much to talk about... Anyway, more to come.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Another extremely boring post
Sorry for sketchy update schedule. Electrical disfunctionality and terrible computers were the problem. I was going to put up some art that I mad, but I didn't have any time. The opposite of pro is con, so the opposite of progress in congress. Some people already thought that. I don't really have anything to say, as usuail. How boring and typical of me. Anyway, more later.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
I don't have anything to say, as usual. I don't aways have anything neat to say... Maybe I'll do some art soon and upload its. My art isn't too good... Oh well. My focus on keeping a slightly quality blog can cause bad esteem in my talents. Most adjectives have no plurals to be's found, but nauseous, anxious, and cautious do. That's all for now, have a good year!
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Buttersilk pancake and the captain of the gravy train.