Monday, August 1, 2011

A very sugary day

Today I had some fun. In the morning I got up early and walked to art camp. At it, I did some art. After that, I then came home and ate some lunch. After a lot of that, I then walked to the library and milled while reading books there. I find my library to be very quite excellent, so I'm mentioning them on my blog, which might be good for their publicity... Anyway, after milling while reading for a long time at the library, I then walked to the bakery and ate some baked diet-dooming instruments of taste. After eating at that bakery, (Which I highly recommend) I then walked home. Once I got home, O'l Mom gave me some things that she had been making while I was out for a walk. I ate the frozen Ginger Newt-Butterbeer sandwiches with delight. After that, I did my math and then worked on some book reviews. After that, I ate dinner, and milled about in the middle O'l Mom's bed for the rest of the evening, and did my blog post while milling on O'l Mom's bed. After that,I laid about milling even more until I went to bed. 


  1. Ginger Newts-Butterbeer ICE CREAM sandwiches, that is... With Butterbeer sandwiches, the bread gets too soggy and just falls apart.
