Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A sunny, hot day

Today I got up early and went swimming! After that, I went to Miss Eileen's house, and we had lunch there. After that, O'l Mom went to a meeting at Crower Park, and dragged by with her to it. There, I had a lot of fun. I played some chess with Robert, and then played Bridge with Robert, Benjamin, and Lotam. After playing Bridge and chess for a long time, I did a lot of bugging O'l Mom, and then played more chess and Bridge with the previously noted players. After that, O'l Mom interrupted me in the middle of a chess game, and said that we had to leave really soon, so in order to finish the game really fast, we resorted to having our bishops throw atomic fireworks at the other pieces. After that, O'l Mom and I left, and then  we went shopping for groceries, and I met Dr. Noodle Soup, a really good magician and really good friend of mine! After talking and playing about, I had to leave due to O'l Mom getting all her groceries. Once I got home, I did a lot of really impressive milling about until bed-time.