A NEW POST! Today, I finally eradicated the small fobbies that were preventing more postage of my blogg! Conseqwintley, my spl chequr waz sso unhapy thatit quit, so youl hav to sufer amasinklly awfull spehlyng untyl I get anotthar chekar. Anyway, todae, aye gott up eerlysh ant ade brekfast. Afder that, I loaved around and plaied som. I then did som worque andt wrode som eggstra stof on my longe novfal. Soon, I consumet an unluque lunch, and thenn talqued to Dad aboud som nead bronze ayetems that he got frrom som gyfts, witch mosdle ingluded a nize bronce cup that maks a laod viberating sount whenn getding hit by a wodd stick. Also, herre's zome recapies thhat aye thought wore nead:
While you were watching those, I found a new spell checker. More stuff next night! It'll never quite make up for the long absence, though!
So lovely to have you back blogging! I LOVED your recipes, and was relieved that you found a new spell checker. We have been having digital rebellion in many facets lately...