Thursday, June 28, 2012

✴♭▶◴ly such!

ƬŌĐAỸ,  Í ƓǾȚ ỖǕŦ ƟḞ ḆḘƊ ËǠRĿŸ ǺŊḎ ŴENT To a meeting of my game-designing club! I didn't do too much useful stuff, though. Af⏉e⍋      T├┤aT,    ⍫ ⍨⍾⎏⎍ H⍓⌬⌭ ⌾⎋⍜⎲Some soup. It w∆s qu∕te ∈∑∰⊫!  Anyway, soon, I loafed somewhat and then  did some cleaning. After that, I dug a pit and then loafed a bit more, Soon, O'l Mom cooked di♢n✐✲ ⌛♎✰☖❐✉〠☠☄ ☂☃☆  ♃♅♒ ♖☨ ☭☫☪♊ ⚅✃✓... S♸, anyway, my blog has picked up it's ludicrous boringness. More on that tomorrow night, or maybe knot.


  1. This reminds me of those puzzles where they cut off the bottoms of the letters in a sentence, but you can still read it because the mind fills in what is missing.
