Tuesday, September 6, 2011

a start into the school year

Today I got up and did my math, grammar, spanish, botany, incomprehensible—type physics, nuclear biology,  more math, grammar, spanish, history, loafing, chemistry, english, and nuclear botany. After that, I went on a walk with Dad, then did more work when I got home, and then milled about legendarily until bed-time. The school-year has begun for me! Much work awaits, and boredom lies far behind: I immediately perceived the drastic shift. As a result, here is something neat!

Copyright Tim Fort, huzzah for him! 


  1. Nuclear botany indeed!

    But I'm glad that you gave credit to the guy who produced those incredible videos. Too often people just grab these YouTube videos and forget to mention the people who put all the work into creating them.

  2. Astounding videos. And an interesting curriculum. (How did loafing get in there? Oh, well, I guess there's one "gut" course in even the most challenging schedule!)

  3. Indeed!Lots of nuclear botany!

    Very astounding. Education courses must have an impossibly simple filler topic.
