Today, I gøt up early and loafed about for a very short time, and then went off to somewhere to do something. I then went back to home and played some while unvigilantly watching the cat. That went on for quite a while. Suddenly, the power went out! It was impossible to see anything! Apparently the sun went out, too. I ran around for a bit and then lit some candles so that I could see well enough to see that the problem was caused by a hurricane and also a ton of thunderstorms and lightningstorms. After it finished ruining the generator, it exploded the house via air pressure! I ran off to a concert in haste, and it was quite nice, involving a huge, gigantic symphony. After the long but good concert, I went home, and by then it had already rebuilt itself and the power and the sun were back on. Soon, though, the sun went off to some other hemisphere and I played and loafed until bed-time.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
▋◎✰☁✸, ✾ ⌬⍉⌿⌹ ⏂⏍ ⍢⍟⍊⍆⍆⌽ ⌲⌷⌰⍄⍆ ⌰⍉⍄ ⌳⍍⍍⍌ ⌷ ⍜⍣⍾ ⎍⍿⎲⎳. A⎖teR That, I loafed for a tiny bit, and then did some book reviews. They took quite a while. After that, I went to do some very confidential things, and then was about to go to a mock newberry book club, but I found out when I got there that it was postponed due to too many flying sharks had eaten the table, and the air conditioning tad been set on heat accidentally and permanently, so instead of the usual 132 C, it was 8,261.0 C. I then talked to Robert for a while, and then went to home, but stopped off at a local art gallery to look at some art and eat some food. I then went home and relaxed slightly before eating dinner. After that, I played and loafed until bed-time. More hyperbole next post!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
✴♭▶◴ly such!
ƬŌĐAỸ, Í ƓǾȚ ỖǕŦ ƟḞ ḆḘƊ ËǠRĿŸ ǺŊḎ ŴENT To a meeting of my game-designing club! I didn't do too much useful stuff, though. Af⏉e⍋ T├┤aT, ⍫ ⍨⍾⎏⎍ H⍓⌬⌭ ⌾⎋⍜⎲Some soup. It w∆s qu∕te ∈∑∰⊫! Anyway, soon, I loafed somewhat and then did some cleaning. After that, I dug a pit and then loafed a bit more, Soon, O'l Mom cooked di♢n✐✲ ⌛♎✰☖❐✉〠☠☄ ☂☃☆ ♃♅♒ ♖☨ ☭☫☪♊ ⚅✃✓... S♸, anyway, my blog has picked up it's ludicrous boringness. More on that tomorrow night, or maybe knot.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Now, I'll blog about some random, assorted stuff today before going back to all the videos that I could find on my blog. Yesterday, some copies of the book that I wrote and published by use of a self-puslishing company. It's okay, but I don't recommend it at all. If you want to, you can come to the author book reading on Sunday to watch me read my book for a few hours or minuets, depending on how long it is. If you're planning to get autographs, you can come and get an autographed copy, and cut out the important part, the autograph, and add it to your collection or sell it for a load of lots of money when I'm a famous something-other-than-writer. Anyway, I'll continue to put on all of the videos that I can find on my blog.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Part 1!
As usual, my bog has been spectacularly boring for the past year, but in the last few weeks it's lost it's amazingly, life-thretangy soporific boringness and flopped into a flappy pile of dullness. So, to solve this, I'll now to way to much attention-getting attempts and invent a mind-assulting overhaul of flashy randomness and pick up the ludicrousness back into the boredom of my blog! FIRST: Some riddles, some of which I've ignited myself, and some of which are from elsewhere.
This thing makes all else devoured:
Birds, beasts, trees, and flowered's;
It gnaws iron, bites steel;
It grinds hard stones to meal;
It slays kings, ruins towns,
And beats the high mountain downs.
A box without hinges, key or lid,
Yet golden treasure inside is hid.
Which word in english is longer if made shorter?
What appears once in a minuet, twice in a moment, but never in a trillion years?
Now, for some trivia!
Bat's legs can swivel around in 360 degrease!
Now for all of the videos that I can find on this blog!
And that ends off part 1 of the really flashy blog post! I'd like to conclude my putting in a Monty Python reference:
The ministry of silly walks & the crackpot religions guilt have discontinued this blog post until notlob. Please stay tuned.
This thing makes all else devoured:
Birds, beasts, trees, and flowered's;
It gnaws iron, bites steel;
It grinds hard stones to meal;
It slays kings, ruins towns,
And beats the high mountain downs.
A box without hinges, key or lid,
Yet golden treasure inside is hid.
Which word in english is longer if made shorter?
What appears once in a minuet, twice in a moment, but never in a trillion years?
Now, for some trivia!
Bat's legs can swivel around in 360 degrease!
Now for all of the videos that I can find on this blog!
And that ends off part 1 of the really flashy blog post! I'd like to conclude my putting in a Monty Python reference:
The ministry of silly walks & the crackpot religions guilt have discontinued this blog post until notlob. Please stay tuned.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Today, as usual, I loitered snoozing for the earliest reaches of time, and then awoke up slothly sluggish in manners of awaking up. Soon, I masterfully loitered around in complete satisfaction until consuming lunch nourishingly and culinarly, and then traveling off to get some stuff for a project. Later, I came home and worked on it slightly, and then went out for a walk. Later, I came back from taking a walk and ate dinner, and then went out to a bookstore before heading back home. Other stuff tomorrow!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
An excellent day
Today, I got up really early to top to a meeting of that game-making group that I once talked about. At it, had some fun and ate some crisps. After the meeting was over, I built a model of a giant besieged fort out of LEGO(little r) bricks for hours. After that, I went out with O'l Mom for shopping of groceries and then went home for lunch. After that, I walked around outside until a storm showed up. Later, I then played games until dinner and then loafed off until bed-time.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Today, I got up early and went on a walk before it got too unpleasantly hot out. It unexpectedly got hot while I was on a walk, though, so I had to walk in the heat. QRQRQRQRQRQRQRQRQRQRQRQRQRQRQRQRQ And soon, I got home before my eyebrows had the chance to shift states of matter from plasma and hopefully cool down to solid. I then lazed about first, and then did some editing of my long novel, and then washed my dirty filthy feet which had become unusually blackened due to amazing temperature and heat. Soon, I did some math and then had lunch and then took a well-earned rest. Later, I tried cooking some stuff, but they didn't work, so I then tried to look for something to eat, but the only thing that I saw were giant piles of salt with extra salt and no pepper, so I tried to snooze but kittens were in my bed, so I tried to clean but it was too messy to try, so I then rolled up and down the stairs and then later sent some e-mails and e-jinxes to Noah&Anna. Later, I attempted to play or eat or cook or read or snooze or write, but it was too hot outside to do anything! I was soundly defeated by the heat! I was then forced to loaf around for quite a while until dinner was served. After that, I played some games and watched some stuff until bed-time. More tomorrow!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Post Title
Today, I got up early and went for a walk very early in the morning! After that, I walked home and then I lazed around and played some games, as well as thinking about stuff a lot. Soon, O'l Mom told me to go and CLEAN MY ROOM SOME! HOW IMPOSSIBLE! WHAT AN IMPOSSIBLE SYSOPHIAN JORB! Anyway, I picked up some of the huge mountainous temples of books and toted them across the chaotic, messy, scary, and dangerous ruins of Junkville, apparently an armageddon target, and transported them across the morbidly silent dessert of old clothes, weaved in between the rickety arches and teetering pillars of broken toy city, which slices the unthinkable wounds of the ceiling sky with its towering skyslachers of unused playing instruments, and dumped the tremendously clunky cargo of books into the dark cruel radioactive maze of Bookshelf Dungeon for a while. After that awful effort, I then ate lunch and enjoyed a well-earned loafing around. Soon, I went with O'l Mom to the computer store in order to have some of our broken computers fixed, and waited around for hours until they were repaired. After that, I went home and ate dinner, then lazed off until bed-time.
Monday, June 18, 2012
YAWN! Sorry for not blogging for a long thyme. I've ben on vacation for a really average thyme! On it, aye went too Williamsburg in the USA, and saw some relatives there. First, aye traveled width O'l Mom to R hotel for tree ant a half ours , ant then arrived. We then went out too eat ant invited some cousins, uncles, ants, and others too hour dinner. After eating, we went bach to hour hotel to snooze four the knight. After that, aye got up early in the mourning and went to Ghamestowne, where aye got a neat tour of the place. Soon afterwards, aye went bach too the hotel. Immediately afterwards, aye went to listen to the hi school graduation of some cousin. After it was over, aye went to a party and eight a lot of cake. I then returned to the hotel and snoozed until mourning. After that, aye went too sea Yorquetowne, which wasn't much. I also saw some more interesting stuff such as medicine and medical procedures of 1777 - 1798. Aye also got a souvenir of cannonballs ant then went out too eat some nicely tasting subculinary sandwitch. Later, aye went to somewhere else for a while ant then did some other stuff. O'l Mom is so excellent! Anyway, aye then went to see a very, very excellent exhibit about the USS Monitor. It was really really really excellent, I thought, 'cause I really like ironclads. After the really good exhibit, I rode my vehicle home with O'l Mom. Aye then lazed off yesterday ant today. Other stuff coming eventually!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Today, I got up late and loafed for almost the entire day! In the only time that I didn't loaf, I ate lunch, did some art, cleaned out O'l Mom's vehicle, did some cleaning, wrote and drew some cards, and ate dinner! Some better stuff for blogging will happen on Friday! Tune in by then! Don't bother with Thursday!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
A slow day and a warning
Today, I got up really very insatiably early and went out to very very very early breakfast with Dad. It was quite nice. After that, I went back home and fell asleep due to earlyness. After that, I woke up and ate lunch, and then went out with Dad to a store to get something. Shockingly, they were out of stock! GASP! HOW UNEXPECTED! Anyway, after that, I came home and relaxed some while O'l Mom did a lot of work. She then ran out to do a bunch of errands, and I ordered the thing that I was going to buy but couldn't online. I then mostly relaxed for the rest of the day. How boring for readers but pleasant for me. If you want exciting happenings going on in my life, then you should look at my blog posts from Thursday to Sunday. They'll make up for the lack of unpleasantness in my life! Maybe I should blog about other things than my days... Anyway, stay tuned!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Today, I got up earlesque and then immediately ran to Journeys without any breakfast! After that, I then ate an unsuspecting breakfast and did some stuff at Journeys. After that, I stayed while O'l Mom did tons and tons of work. Soon, I headed home and then relaxed for the rest of the day. Sundays often have slacking. Anyway, more actual happenings tomorrow!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Today, I got up very early and then loafed about for about 7.423 whiles while waiting for O'l Mom to get back from her yoga class. While I was waiting, I did some stuff and ate all of the watermelon that was for eating. After that, I did some other stuff and O'l Mom finally got back. Later, I ate breakfast and then lunch and then went out top get some wine corks and markers. Once I got those, I went back and waited for a while before going to a friend's house. After staying for a short time, I then went with them to a concert. At it, I heard some very nice music by a large grand symphony and then went home. At then, it was past time for bed, so I went to bed.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Lack of stop-motion
Unfortunately for the readers of this blog, I'll now continue with writing my blog, causing it to cause a state of rhombicly dominating boredom at readers! Anyway, today I woke up late and immediately wrote some reports. After that, I ate lunch and missed out on breakfast and had a very nice lunch. I then lazed about some and then wrote a sign! It was very artistic! After that, I built some towers on O'l Mom's bed and then demolished them down off of her bed due to a request from O'l Mom to do so. I then waited for a small time for someone to arrive, which they did. O'l Mom rode in their rocket to a vehicle repair shop, where she got her newly-fixed zeppelin and went home. While all of that was happening, something else happened. We then ate dinner and supper and went to a nice concert. Later, I got home and played and loafed until bed-time. More stuff happening tomorrow! Maybe!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Further replacement
Unexpectidly, my blog today will have only more stop-motions by the masterful and elusive PES while I re-learn the secret technique of thrillingly dull blogging again. Here they are!
Monday, June 4, 2012
The return of Madison's blog
A NEW POST! Today, I finally eradicated the small fobbies that were preventing more postage of my blogg! Conseqwintley, my spl chequr waz sso unhapy thatit quit, so youl hav to sufer amasinklly awfull spehlyng untyl I get anotthar chekar. Anyway, todae, aye gott up eerlysh ant ade brekfast. Afder that, I loaved around and plaied som. I then did som worque andt wrode som eggstra stof on my longe novfal. Soon, I consumet an unluque lunch, and thenn talqued to Dad aboud som nead bronze ayetems that he got frrom som gyfts, witch mosdle ingluded a nize bronce cup that maks a laod viberating sount whenn getding hit by a wodd stick. Also, herre's zome recapies thhat aye thought wore nead:
While you were watching those, I found a new spell checker. More stuff next night! It'll never quite make up for the long absence, though!
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