Saturday, May 19, 2012

Punctuation vs. Madison's Writing style

Today,  I got up somewhat late in the mornoon and ate breakfast. After that, I played some and did some other stuff. It was a very nice day outside. Some loud music was playing in a festival within sound distance of our house, causing O'm Mom to be overzealous about dancing to a mexican song when it came on, causing me to call her various variations of the title 'Maria Sanchez' for the rest of this blog post. Anyway, after a lot of delaying, I had to take some tests! After I took them, I had lunch and took a walk down to the festival. I didn't stay long at it. At it, though, I got a free spatula and 3 oven mitts! After that, I walked home and loafed around outside 'cause it was such a nice day. O'l Maria made a very nice dinner for me, but it was the stuff that I usually have for lunch! After that, I loafed and played around for a long time, and then set up a barricade around various doors that the O'l Sanchez wasn't too happy about. How excellent! After that, I probably went to bed. Hours later, I snuck out of bed and then snuck back in using my amazing skills of clumsy stealth. O'l Maria is so excellent!

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