Friday, September 28, 2012

Another subatomic physics argument

Another day. Today, I got up somewhat earlyish and proceeded to do some work before eating lunch out at a nice restaurant. I also was wondering today what creates matter from energy, but it turned out that matter is unemployed energy. I thought that that was quite useful information. Now I wonder if magic should be a force or an energy. Supposedly, energy somehow creates force, and also matter, so it might be an energy... If it were a force, there would be 4 forces then. I'm unreasonably emotionally invested in my opinion that weak/strong nuclear force are just nuclear force. If they are definitely different things, than they should change the names of them. Anyway, after that, I did some errands with O'l Mom and then later ate supper before walking down to Final Friday and talking to Dr. Soup the rest of the night. More stuff to come!

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