Friday, December 17, 2010

I saw a CHICKEN!

8 Days till Christmas! Qwertyuiop. I just decorated the tree with Mom. Today I went somewhere and saw... guess what... REAL GENUINE LIVE CHICKENS! There were Actual chickens! I mean, REAL actual chickens! I'm Really Serious! They pecked around the coop and clucked at shampoo bottles and road maps. REAL LIVE CHICKENS! Too bad you can't have any in Cary. The friend I saw who has the REAL LIVE CHICKENS lives in Garner.


  1. No chickens allowed? What a catastrophe! Chickens are fun!

    We buy our eggs from a guy who lives up the street from us and keeps chickens in his backyard of several acres. One of the nicest, gentlest people I've ever met. He keeps his chickens in a large, round, portable enclosure that contains a shelter for when they want that but is otherwise open to the sky. The reason it's portable is so that once the ground has been pecked bare, he can just move the whole thing over to a different part of the yard, so the birds always have fresh pecking terrain. I guess it's about as natural an existence as you can give domesticated chickens short of just letting them roam free, which wouldn't be wise here with all the coyotes and other predators. They seem very happy if I'm any judge of chicken emotions.

    The eggs are magnificent.

  2. They have a sustainable agriculture program at Chatham County Community College (our neighboring county), and they do that with their chickens as well. The practice is described by Joel Saladin in one of my all-time favorite books, The Omnivore's Dilemma.
