Friday, December 31, 2010
I just got back from D.C. on Vacation and sorry I couldn't make any blog posts then. It was a total Quiyboriea! On the first day we drove to D.C. all day and got there at 8: 25 P.M. On the next day Mom dragged me everywhere and I spent the Morning walking my feet off at an underground art museum complex holding her bags. On the way back we stopped for lunch at the old posh post posh post office. The bags ripped twice! Then we went to the Smithsonain museum of natural history where I looked at marine biology and Mom looked at neanderthls and apes. Mom also saw the biggest knitted croquet coral reef made yet and got all excited about doing a project like this. We went and said hi to my grandad and his wife (Cross-the Sugg grandparents all died out) to make preparations for the evening. After that the fire bell went off when I was in the shower and it turned out to be a false alarm. Then we went to Grandparent's apartment and one of my uncles (Tim, to be precise) dropped by with my cousins and aunt. We had large feast and I got 2 presents!! Mom got 1 so I annoided her a lot. The next day I went visiting to Aunt Mary, my Greataunt who gave us lots o' sweets and we talked a long time. At night we went out for pizza and I ate a 13-inch Pizza with lots of toppings in 40 minutes and then on the next day (Today) we drove home. What a total Zamblevicor!
Monday, December 27, 2010
SNOW SNOW SNOW! Today Mom's computer power cord busted, so Dad drove us to the mall. Mom got a new power cord at the apple store, It's great for fixing up things (So please don't sue me for mentioning the company.) Mom should have her blog about it but her blog of today's about snow photos! I went out in the snow after we got back home, spent 2 hours snowful, and came inside all cold and wet and got into my nice warm dry pajamas while Mom made me some hot chocolate with marshmallows and I spent the rest of the day inside at home. I've been preparing for Tomorrow. Something big happens Tomorrow. I'm not going to tell you what it is now (You can find out from Mom's blog.) so stay tuned!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Bibly Bubly Bungrobious Boxing Day!
LOOT!! SNOW!! ABSENCE O' WORK!! Bibugubrely Boxing Day! Yesterday I got: some books, some games, some music, a remote-control helicopter, pajamas and LOTS o' food! Today I mostly hung around the house and played with my new things. It was a total rules-off sort of day and I didn't have to do anything I don't want to! And SNOW! It snowed last night and up to 4 inches today! I hope it snows more!
P.S. And toohtbrushes.
P.S. And toohtbrushes.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Today I woke up just at after dawn. I'm writing this while I wait for Mom and Dad to wake up. I haven't gone downstairs yet or seen the tree, I hope I got some presents! Yesterday was a nice day. Dad took me out bowling but the alley was closed. So we went to Umstead Park and walked about looking at nice stones by the riverside. I'm a-quiver with exitement!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
A summary O' today
Today I didn't have any time to do stuff I wanted to in the Morning when I was having breakfast and doing math and drawing Christmas cards, did more Christmas cards and made preparations for someone coming over and running around the house and having lunch and soup and second lunch and snack and soup and food and soup and feasts and third lunch and making Mom totally over-react when I finished all the soup at Noon. Then we drove around the tri-Island area with Mom running errands and dropping stuff off at random houses while a storm was brewing in the Afternoon and Evening, and I did stuff on the computer at Night. I also played chess with Dad. And ate dinner. And snack and brunch and dessert and more snack and 648th Breakfast and I didn't eat very much. Mom's boisterously over-reacting on just a small bit of soup!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Boring day
Today was a very uneventful day. I did stuff on the computer in the Morning, Mom and I drove around The Tri-Island area Afternoon and lots of time that came from nowhere, I did stuff on the computer the Evening and Night. I also played chess with Dad.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
'Appy Birthday
'Appy Birthday to a friend of mine called Jeremy. 'Appy Winter Solstice, too. I'm exhausted. That's it.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Fooowf. Today was great; I went to Journeys (Mom's spiritual center.) And we had a BIG MASSIVE GIGANTIVE PARTY where I got a present; and Jeremy (a young friend o' mine) came by this afternoon and Mom never took me on a walk like she planned. Now I'll go into detail and you might want to stop reading this if you don't want to be bored into submission; WOW I SPELLED THAT RIGHT ON FIRST TRY! Anyway, At the Journeys Christmas party, there was a potluck buffet (What a weird word.) I went around and got some bits of ham and jam and spam and am so after that Santa came and all the kids lined up to go see him and tell him what we wanted for Christmas. I said that I didn't know. After that I got a chess set and so when we got home I got into my pajamas (Wow I spelled that right on first try too.) And I made Mom lunch in bed and then we played chess. I had just gone "Ha! Check!" with my rook flying to where her Bishop was when the door rang and so we went to the door and guess who was there : none other than Mr. Brian and Jeremy!<><><><><><><>so....
We played with my exercise ball in a haphazard (Wow I spelled that right on first try as well) and fast and wild and FUN way until Dad told us not to be so wild and more quiet. Then Mom showed Jeremy some disco And they left after giving us some nice pointsettias. The GPS acts weird often. Just finished a Christmas special. Mom will go bonkers when she sees the size of this post! A wall of text! Bye!
We played with my exercise ball in a haphazard (Wow I spelled that right on first try as well) and fast and wild and FUN way until Dad told us not to be so wild and more quiet. Then Mom showed Jeremy some disco And they left after giving us some nice pointsettias. The GPS acts weird often. Just finished a Christmas special. Mom will go bonkers when she sees the size of this post! A wall of text! Bye!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Today I decorated the tree and yelled at Mom. I also built the tallest Kapla block thing I ever built yet. I also e-Mailed Dad a lot of Images. Here they are:
(I'l show you tomorrow when I can yell at Blogger for being unable to copy-and-paste Images onto blogs.)
I also went to a party where I built it. I don't have that many blocks at my house. The food there was heavenly and I ate all I could and ate too much.
(I'l show you tomorrow when I can yell at Blogger for being unable to copy-and-paste Images onto blogs.)
I also went to a party where I built it. I don't have that many blocks at my house. The food there was heavenly and I ate all I could and ate too much.
Friday, December 17, 2010
I saw a CHICKEN!
8 Days till Christmas! Qwertyuiop. I just decorated the tree with Mom. Today I went somewhere and saw... guess what... REAL GENUINE LIVE CHICKENS! There were Actual chickens! I mean, REAL actual chickens! I'm Really Serious! They pecked around the coop and clucked at shampoo bottles and road maps. REAL LIVE CHICKENS! Too bad you can't have any in Cary. The friend I saw who has the REAL LIVE CHICKENS lives in Garner.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Well, sleet anyway.)
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????= It SNOWED last night! In NORTH CAROLINA! On the 16!!! Of DECEMBER!!! Can you believe it!? I was going to go out and play in it, but I then saw that it was just icy thin ungodly sleet-like snow. I'l wait till it gets good (In January) and then I'll go out. Ha! I got my blog posted before Mom! I think that I'll decorate the tree tonight with Mom. MOM! MOM! MOM! MOM!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Mom just got out the Belgian chocolate assortment that I got her for her birthday. HOORAY CHOCOLATE!! Today Dad went and picked up our tree from the lot. I went to art class today and made Mom a present. Nothing else happened much. Mom did some cleaning under her bed and we went to get some groceries. That's about it. CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I am really tired. Today I went to the last history club meeting this year and gave the Last-Powells their presents. Mom took me shopping and we got me new pajamas. We then went home and didn't do much. I'm awfully tired. Good night.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Simon Bolivar
Simon Bolivar came from Venezuela and was clearly fond of it. He was born in 1783. As a young lad he studied in Europe for several years and then returned to South America. He became general in 1813 and started a long campaign on Independence which was run from Venezuela and covered Mexico to Argentina. The war lasted for 19 years and often wasn’t decisive. He is famous throughout South America and always called El Libertador. He was also the president of Colombia, Venezuela, Peru and Bolivia. He died in 1840.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The Holidays are COMING!!
0h no and hip-hip-horay, The holidays are coming! What do You do for them? I'd like to know... Just talk about it in the comments. By the way, I'll probably go up to D.C. for Mom's family reunion. When there, we check into a hotel, run around sightseeing for a few days, then everyone meets at my grandparent's house and we give gifts. The car trip there is infamous. I'll get my tree on Wednesday. We get it right after Thanksgiving and pick it up near Christmas. I wonder how much loot we will get for Christmas. Hopefully not much. Mom was talking about decoraiton, but now she isn't in a Christmasy mood at all. Wow, this blog is longer than the ones I've been writing of late. I'll have to do some fast responding soon! That's all.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Ug, I don't feel very well at all. Gulk. Blorg. Our guest got here! I also saw a play. Two of my friends were in it. Mom is blogging about languages. She's always having all sorts of subjects for her blog, and hers are really really really long! Mine are quite the opposite.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhh. I don't feel very wall. And I don't know why. It might be... Look! A Bomb-Boo!! Gadzooks! Today I went off lots of places before coming home. Did you notice? The days are getting shorter... That must mean Winter's coming. Once I saw some Mecha-Koopas going down Dad's boots. He must need some guard Chain Chomps for his shoes.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Today was a nice day. I went to art class and I did some art. In the morning I did math and grammar and in the afternoon I built stuff with wood blocks. Dad went out for a meeting. I haven't been doing much and... Look! A Cataquack! Imagine that! Mom made Spaghetti for dinner! And meatballs! Oh no! End of blog!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
A surprise
Today mom said that the history club meeting had been posponed. Now I can enjoy a morning at home in bed with Mom. Ha! I got my blog post done before she did! I'm feeling quite good in bed and listening to Mom endlessly yakking with other moms she knows. On Sunday night I went to a party at the Last-Powell's house. Every Tom, Jane, Ebenezer, Dick, Ron and Ichbar that ever happened were there! It was quite crowded. I had some food. Mom brought our crock-pot filled with stuff I didn't touch, and it leaked all over the trunk! P.S. Mom said it was chili, and she said it was delicious, but I don't know...
Monday, December 6, 2010
Mom is very stubborn tonight! All I'm doing is my report, and she makes me Check it, double check it, edit, E-mail it to her 195321653217865456787654326765 times, edit it 1234592567871789876432898732457890987134578987654345i7873212345678 times, rearinge the writing, Add, edit, Add, edit, add, edit, add, edit, add, edit, E-mail it to her, on and on and on and on and on and on and...
Sunday, December 5, 2010
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Holiday parties! I will have to attend 11 Christmas parties this month! Mom's taking me to one of them tonight! 194574674396584327834587 people will surely be there! If I don't hurry up with this blog, we might arrive late! And now a list of all the outfits of the soldiers of William the Conqueror. Wool tunics, brown socks, grey armour, floppy hats, big- Alright, Mom, I'm coming! Big- Alright! Alright! Gerrof! OK! OK! BYE! Jeez, what a holiday nazi- ALRIGHT COMING!! AAAAAAAAAA!! BYE!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Happy Hanukkah pt. 4
Today it SNOWED!!!!!!!! In NORTH CAROLINA!!!!!!!!!!! ON THE 4th OF DECEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SNOW SNOW SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??(#3333333.)! Snow!!! We were at barns&noble when it started SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWING!!!!!!!!!! I hit Mom with snowballs a lot and we went downtown and we got cold and wet so we went home and laid in bed in our pajamas and drunk hot choclate with marshmellows.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Happy Hanukkah pt. 2
A recipe for kosher cake. Mom made these for my Dad's birthday. I quite like them. I'm still having them for desserts; they make nice ones.
- 3 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 cups white sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 teaspoons baking soda
- 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 3/4 cup vegetable oil
- 2 tablespoons distilled white vinegar
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 2 cups cold water
- Sift flour, sugar, salt, soda, and cocoa together into a 9 x 13 inch ungreased cake pan. Make three wells. Pour oil into one well, vinegar into second, and vanilla into third well. Pour cold water over all, and stir well with fork.
- Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 30 to 40 minutes, or until tooth pick inserted comes out clean. Frost with your favorite icing.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
For Hanukkah my mom suggested that I should do something special on my blog and she was doing something on her blog and it would be something going on for 8 days so...
A recipe for kosher molasses cookies:
A recipe for kosher molasses cookies:
3/4 cup margarine 1 cup white sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons egg replacer 2 tablespoons water 1/4 cup molasses 2 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking soda | 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground cloves 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 1/2 cup white sugar |
1 | In a medium bowl, mix together the melted margarine, 1 cup sugar, and egg replacer in water until smooth. Stir in the molasses. Combine the flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, cloves, and ginger; blend into the molasses mixture. Cover, and chill dough for 1 hour. |
2 | Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Roll dough into walnut sized balls, and roll them in the remaining white sugar. Place cookies 2 inches apart onto ungreased baking sheets. |
3 | Bake for 10-12 minutes in the preheated oven, until tops are cracked. Cool on wire racks. |
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