Saturday, October 2, 2010

Please comment!

Hallowen is in the air! I can't think of what I should be, put your suggestions in the comments.


  1. I like costumes that represent abstract ideas. The costume becomes a puzzle. However, you have to be careful that there are PLENTY of clues for people to actually solve the puzzle. "Glass bead game" by Hesse talks about prohibiting private associations in public games.

    Maybe you can make a mind map for costume ideas?

  2. Why not go as your favorite molecule? Just get the right selection of round balloons, or those cheap colored kickballs they sell at the grocery store, fix them around you with dowels, and you're in!

    What? You don't have a favorite molecule?

  3. That reminds me, my mom is getting no nearer to getting one of my very very very VERY BIG, 100000000 subject-covering mind map onto the shirt.

  4. I have a favorite molecule, I just forgot witch one it is...
