Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My spelling improves more

Customer reports John Potts glasses banana disk dreadful history studio since crusades


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. There are many words I have to look up every time I use them. It makes me angry. I'm an articulate burro, well-read and familiar with more than one of the languages of you two-leggeds. So why do these simple words hang me up?

    "Embarrass" is one. (Just looked it up yet again.) One r or two? I can never remember.

    "Address" is another. "Dang, I looked that up three hours ago. How many d's was it?"

    Don't even ask me about the city I prefer to refer to as Cincy. Double-n single-t, single-n double-t, double-n double-t? Oh, I give up.

    This is the kind of thing that makes me stomp and snort. (What, you thought it was just a lack of hay?)

    Hee haw! Keep improving!

  3. Some of the hardest words are the most practical, like "Acetylcholinestrase"
    (A sort of astroturf) and "Victor Amadeus II" (A Savoy.)
