Sunday, April 17, 2011

An awfoul post

Today I... um... uh... well... er... Gee, I'm not sure. I definitely went to Journeys in the morning... I had fun there... But I don't know what I did after that. I went home, but then I did absolutely nothing! What should I put on my blog!?!? Oh no! That's already on it!! Bother! Maybe I'll talk about the Waddle dee revolution... Or maybe about why sheep like to BAAAA... Or maybe... I know! I'll talk about me having nothing to talk about! Oh, I already did... Oops.. Wow, this is probbaly the most plot-full blog this month!


  1. Well, I know why sheep like to BAAAAA. It's because they think they're producing that rich, resonant, awe-inspiring sound, the bray.

    Poor deluded creatures.
