Monday, April 11, 2011

A report

During the civil war Tennessee had over 40 battles fought in it. The only state with more battles was Virginia. The most important battles in Tennessee were Shiloh, Stones River, Chattanooga, Nashville, Fort Pillow, and Franklin. 
Two major things happened in Tennessee in and over reconstruction. The first was the Memphis Race Riot (May 1,1866) and the forming of the Ku Klux Klan (Dec. 24, 1865). In the Race Riot, the casualties were 131 blacks and $130,000 of stuff destroyed or stolen. The KKK was founded by 6 ex - confederate officers. It was first a small club to play pranks on the town, but later it somehow got into a  group to terrorize black people. In the late reconstruction, the Tennessee legislature passed laws that denied African Americans the right to vote, talk freely, get a job with pay, and made it so that practically the only thing that blacks could do was to sit around and get lynched. 
One of the main impediments of black freedom was Andrew Johnson, who came from Tennessee.  He was Abraham Lincoln’s vice president, and so became president when Lincoln was killed.  He was the first president in charge of reconstruction, and he didn’t do a good job.  He once said when he was president that "This is a country for White men. And by God as long as I am president, it shall be a government for White men."   

1 comment:

  1. That was an interesting war!

    One of my favorite generals was Gen Grumble Jones, who didn't have a very friendly personality.

    Another was Gen Nathan Bedford Forrest, although he wasn't very literate.

    --cool papa
