Thursday, April 28, 2011

An explanaition of video games to parents who don't have a clue how they work but try to play them anyway

The main idea:
Avoid enemies, solve puzzles, and get through levels. Enemies are creatures or beings that are in levels. If you touch an enemy, you get hurt. You can get some enemies, though. Getting through levels involves moving a lot. There are 3 main types of video games: Platform games, RPGs and Shoot-Em-Ups. Platform games are all that's in most Mario games: Enemies that can be gotten, platforms to jump about, and simple to hard puzzles are accomplished. RPGs are like platform games, but less acrobatics, more puzzles, and when you encounter an enemy, you fight it. Pokemon is a good example for them. Shoot-em-ups are like platform-ers, but the main thing is shooting zombies and/or aliens with overwhelming gore. Halo is a very good example of them. Enemies can be put into 3 groups: Regulars, mini-bosses, and bosses. Regulars are common enemies that just walk around and hurt you, and can be gotten with ease. Mini-bosses are like bosses, but lots weaker. Bosses are souped-up, extra-strong enemies that need lots of hits and a strategy to get.

How to tell the gore level:
if the game is more realistic, there is more chance that it might be a gory game. One of the best ways is looking at the main character. If it looks like a very detailed person with bloody, ripped clothes, a dirty headband, and lots of weapons is his pockets, it has a higher chance of being gory. However, if the main character looks like a round pink ball with large feet and a huge mouth, the chance is much lower.

How to not look like a game nitwit when you play with your kids:
Do whatever your kid is doing.


  1. I think that last piece of advice is priceless!

  2. Off topic, but thanks for the birthday card, mijo! I think it's your best one ever -- it might be the best one ever!

  3. O yeah, I loved that card. I should have scanned it or taken a picture of it before we sent it, because I loved that picture!

  4. I also really like your assessment of the gore level.

  5. Why, thank you!
    Yes, it was nice.
    Thank you!
