Thursday, January 20, 2011

Apologies for not posting anything for 5 days.

I'm back, and it seems no-one commented in my absence. I got some very neat blocks with magnets is them and I will be trying to build them as soon as I got a chance. THANK YOU TO UNCLE DONKEY FOR THE LOVELY PRESENT! And thank you for the present to anyone who reads my blog(Particularly my grand-parents and parents.)I went to a publishing's main shipping facility yesterday. It was interesting. I'll try to keep updated.


  1. Glad to see you back on line!!


  2. You're very welcome! I wish I could be there to read through them with you and compare thoughts; it's been a long time for me!

    Ditto your dad's comment above. I was starting to suffer withdrawal symptoms from not getting my regular Madison fix!

  3. Sorry! I try no to stand behind the very frustrating motto of CAVEAT EMPEROR. All health decreaseages while using this product will be apply appoligized but naught refunded.
