Wednesday, February 2, 2011


YAWN! I woke up a few minutes ago and O'l Mom came down and told me to get up and work on my math so I went up and dillydallied and messed around for 30 minutes and went and did my blog. I wonder if O' Mom knows about crumbs of nothing in her bed... Dad often talks nowadays about some movie that's coming out and he's really excited about it. Dad thinks he needs a cataract removal but I think that he doesn't need one at all! Though, I suppose that it would be awfully convenient for Dad. Nothing else much exciting is going on these days.


  1. Hey, that right! The movie is "Cowboys and Aliens" It will be a truly must see event! What I would really like to see is "Cowboys and Indians and Aliens"


  2. The one I can't wait to see is the final Harry Potter movie...although it will be sad, too, to know that there aren't any more books or movies to look forward to. The end of an era.....

  3. If I recall correctly, according to an article about "Cowboys and Aliens" I read awhile ago there are Indians too. They join with the cowboys to fight the invading aliens.

    Funny thing. The article also said the studio was having trouble figuring out how to market the movie, since everybody assumes from the title that it's a deliberately campy bit of silliness like "Snakes on a Plane", if not an out-and-out comedy. It's neither; it's at least intended to be a serious movie. How nobody at the studio foresaw that reaction to the title is beyond me.

  4. Gee, mabey they could hire Dad to talk at semenars.

  5. They could do much worse, mijo. In fact, I'm sure they have.
