Thursday, February 3, 2011


YAWN! Try to guess what these are!

I hope I get lots of comments!


  1. I recognize some of them from Star Wars and Money Island, but my favorite is the black and white one on the end. It could be a flower, a bug, an illustration of a hole in the time/space continuum....I don't know.

  2. Whoops, I meant Monkey Island...but I would like to find Money Island myself.

  3. Well... the second image is labeled "Esponja grande," which is kind of a giveaway...

    Reminds me of an art history class from my college days. The professor--in her first year of teaching--had been lecturing on the styles of the various Impressionists. To test how much the class had learned, she projected two paintings side-by-side. "Who do you think did the painting on the right?" she asked.

    "Monet!" the class called out as one.

    She was a bit surprised. "And how about the one on the left?"

    "Renoir!" came the response.

    "That's very good!" she said. "And how did you know which was which?"

    "They're signed!" the class replied.

  4. Is "continuum" suposed to be pelled with 2 Us?

  5. You questioning Ol' Mom? (By the way, that's how it should go. The apostrophe stands for the missing "d".)

  6. Well, Ol' Mom will admit that she has, on occasion, made some teaching mistakes on the lines of Uncle Donkey's art teacher. But her spelling has improved tremendously since the invention of spell check, online dictionaries, and Google.

  7. What is that black and white one? It looks sort of familiar, so I think I've seen it, but I can't remember where.

  8. Give up? The black-and-white thing is called a BILLYWIG!

  9. Billywig? That's from Harry Potter, isn't it?

  10. Oh, is THAT what it is! I knew it looked familiar...

