Sunday, March 11, 2012

A sliEBGAVDFN0roDFGHJS[ur5wrntBVm0 -lightly worked day

Today, I got up early and did tons of loads of lots of work. After that, I took a walk and slacked off until bed-time. I hope that the keyboard won'tTBHBHGGVGFFR54R7JKNM B M8 0,. CSFDGGFHJYTRUNMGMERFDSGGVFHTEAJGHVFAWSL,.;L09, M LOOOOOOONM96#$TY&% VF BH7 JY $%&%$^GDFFD657 7 HJBN'[;[]\HY9U8 ....! Arggh! How bothersom of the keyboard!


  1. I think you got your days confused, as Sunday is your day of rest (after going to Journeys, of course)

  2. Actually, any day is my day of rest at a certain time.
