Sunday, June 26, 2011

A day a day a day

Today I I I got got got got got up early early and went to to to journeys. I had fun there fun there fun there. After after after that I went to to to a a party. I stayed there ther there for a while. After that, I went home went home went home. I feel like repeating myself repeating myself tonight. You should should should should try it for exercise!

1 comment:

  1. I I I tried it. Then I realized that I was sounding like all those people who have nothing to say but "I I I". They're an affliction, more poisonous and omnipresent than mosquitoes in Arkansas. So I shut my mouth and went to sit in the backyard with my donkey friends. They came up to me when they were so inclined; I came up to them when I was so inclined. We looked at each other, thoughtfully, a lot. As usual, that fixed it.
