Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Really fun day!

Today I woke up early and I thought about nothing and exersized and in the afternoon O'l Mom and I went off to Crower Park where the class was having a party and I played around for 6 hours and then we wentto the bank so I could pay O'l Mom for something she brought me just tonight and so THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU and then O'l Mom went to the doctor's and I played around in the lounge while O'l Mom was off doing her check-up and then I got home.


  1. So, what did you conclude about nothing? Is it, or isn't it?

  2. That explains why so many people keep chasing after it!

  3. fun day, sprinkles, ol' mom was bananas; steampunk fun

  4. Blog, Fabluious; Attribute yetti clues, mellon coconut and 2 hard-boiled eggs!
