Monday, November 21, 2011


Today I got up late and milled about. I then did my math and got stuck on 1 math problem for 3 hours! Apparently, I'm no good at that particular kind of math. Anyway, after that, I immediately went to swimming lessons, which still have been getting shorter! I did a lot of swimming with Noah&Anna there. Noah decided after the lesson to try to jump in and use loads of spells to help make his splashes more impressive. He did that to the point where he would jump in, and the noise would sound like a tonic boom. I even went underwater a lot to listen to it, and it sounded much scarier underwater! After that, we went out  for a walk. Noah&Anna did a lot of dueling and then did some jumping about. After that, O'l Mom made me go shopping with her and I then went home. There, I milled about until bed-time. Neat things happening on Thanksgiving! 


  1. Yes, I'm going to try to blog on Thanksgiving to say how it is. I like the family feast but not the political holiday.

  2. You did a lot of writing today, too.

    And the key to learning math is not picking everything up instantaneously. I think the lessons you spend the most time on are the ones you learn the best. Remember how much time we spent dividing fractions by fractions? But now you really understand it, much better than I did when I was your age.
