Thursday, May 19, 2011

A short post

Today, I got up early and then did tests. After that, I went to art class and then on a walk and back home again. I then did tests and had fun lazing about. I then did my blog and went to bed.


  1. More tests???

    We had snow here for most of the morning. It didn't accumulate, but still. May 19. Snow.

  2. There are actually 12 different components of the Iowa Basic Skills Test, which is what we are using. It tests not only math and reading, but also spelling, vocabulary, social studies, science, and the ability to retrieve information from maps, dictionaries, library references, etc. So you are supposed to spread it out over several days.

    May snow! Has it been really cold there?

  3. Hi Carol. Yes, I looked up the Iowa test after Madison mentioned it the first time and was amazed at how comprehensive it is.

    It's been nippy (mid-upper forties) in the mornings and in the evenings the last couple of days, in marked contrast to what we'd become accustomed to. The spring winds, which ought to have subsided by now but haven't, make it feel worse than it is. Of course, we need precipitation, but I think these desultory May snows (this is our second) are more annoying than they are replenishing.
