Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A blog

Today I went to a grand exhibition and then to a birthday party! I liked the grand exhibition and the Birthday party. At the exhibition there was some good food and nice displays. I think that typical water might not rot.  


  1. Hmmmmm...how does that last comment relate to the Great Exhibition and a Birthday party?

  2. I got a box o' predators in the mail today. How nifty is that?

  3. What variety of predator would that be?

  4. Fly larva predators. They're tiny insects that come, themselves, in larval form. When they start to hatch, you sprinkle them on manure piles and such places and they keep the fly population down naturally.

    This is essential because, as Chesley can tell you, flies are a real affliction to equines in the summer months. They cluster around the eyes and nibble at the legs. When Claudio joined us last summer, the backs of his legs had been eaten completely raw and bloody. After nine months of constant treatment (and for much of that time, no flies), they still haven't fully healed. Poor guy.
