Tuesday, September 7, 2010

shovel-ready yard

In our yard, a recent acquisition to the decor is a massive humongus hole! It was dug by me, and I am still digging it. My dad gave me the tools for it:
Wheelbarow, for shoveling the dirt into...
Big shovel, for unsetteling large pieces of dirt full of roots.
Small shovel, for tunneling through soft soil...
And the Pick, for braking up large roots or big rocks.
My dad plans to empty the wheelbarow into another hole I made in the path so it will fill up.
So far I found some coat buttons and a burnt match... More things to come!
My dad buried a dead bobcat a year ago so when it decomposed he would get the bones, but he can't remember where he buried it, so I'm hoping I don't run into it.
Stay tuned!

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