Saturday, December 8, 2012

Not for reading

I don't have anything to say today, as usual. I usually don't have much to say that's interesting. This isn't interesting, ether. Commercial bananas are not real fruits. They are all grown off of roots from an older banana tree and planted to grow into another tree which has roots off to plant another one from that one. This has been ongoing for 200 years. I know a lot about bananas, you know. I don't eat them because I know about them quite a lot about them. Plantains are much more of a real fruit. They're supposedly good fried, but I didn't like them fried or raw. I don't really eat any members of the plantain family of fruits, apparently. How nice. I'm so disappointed that no-one got the question that I posted a while ago. Possible no-one was reading my blog at the time. If so, they should continue that. There's nothing more to say here, so I'll stop saying stuff. I never really had anything to say anyway. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. How profound. That's certainly extremely worthy of publication in a volume of best literature of 2012.
