Sunday, August 7, 2011

A monalouge about common household items, such as O'l Moms.

I wonder when I'll see Noah&Anna again. Hopefully soon! I think that O'l Mom is quite excellent. I really like her! She's so nice and neat! It's quite handy to have an overworked O'l Mom in the house! Noah&Anna also said that they really like theirs, so it liking your personal O'l Mom rather quite a lot.
Although she can be a bit annoying at times, an O'l Mom is a really nice thing to have! Huzzah for Dr. Noodle Soup and Noah&Anna! They are totally terrific and excellent!


  1. Maybe if she wasn't so overworked, she wouldn't be so annoying....

  2. She isn't very annoying at all, although she is really really really overworked.
