Sunday, August 28, 2011

Further proof that Noah&Anna are good at shooting spells at each other

Today I woke up really early in bed, with Noah&Anna snoozing under it. I got them up, and we wandered around the rubble (The hurricane had entirely went off) and decided to play checkers with warm butter cookies! After I won playing against Noah, Anna got some pastries shaped like chess players. After I won the chess game, and we ate all the pieces, Noah&Anna suddenly decided to do some dueling! They used the fowling spells:






Expulsio (Anna only)

Incearcentartus (Backfired)

A lot of spells that I have no idea what were




Locomotor Motris


Aqua Eructio (Combating Incendio)



More spells that I've never herd of

As you can see, Noah&Anna are really good at dueling! After that, they got some neat stuff, and the 3 of us built an underground fortress. It's very grand, being 6 feet up to the celling, 12 feet between 2 walls,and 34 feet between 2 walls. It has a lot of traps, and you have to navigate really dangerously until you get to the core. It's very nice, with lots of neat stuff and nice furniture. After that, we combined our REPARIO spells, and by coupling them together, we managed to fix the house. The fortress became the basement, which can only be accessed by a rift in time and space, and you must do the rift-creating spell to get to the rift, to get to the basement! After that, Noah&Anna dueled even more, and then they left with their Ol' Mom. They will be seen tomorrow! Stay tuned!


  1. Fowling spells? What were they trying to do, trap guineas?

  2. Wow, if you all know spells to cause a rift in time and space, as well as to traverse said rift, that is some powerful magic.

    However perhaps you should also be learning some spelling spells...

  3. Atcuaily, I believe that they were trying to trap their opponet...

    All of my effort is used up on massive, nature-defying powerfull magic, so I have no effort left for small, practical spells like that.
