Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A tiresomely anticipating day

Today I got up early and wondered about stuff and nonsense and ate breakfast. After that, I did most of my work and then wished that November would come up sooner! After milling about, I went to another writing class and wished that November would come sooner. After that, O'l Mom took me grocery shopping with her and I then went home.  There, I milled about until bed-time. Exciting things happening tomorrow!


  1. Of course, there are exciting things happening EVERY day at Starwoods Academy!

  2. What do you have against October? I think it's my favorite month. By November, the shift toward less light and more cold becomes really pronounced; it's nice as a change, but I don't like it for its own sake the way I do the crispness, the coolness, and the colorfulness of month no. 10.

  3. Indeed. The only grudge I have against October is that it can be painfully slow when one is eagerly awaiting the events in the whole of November, which I am looking forward to.

  4. The events of National Novel Writing Month.

  5. Very much so! Writing 50,000 words in 30 days is quite exciting!
